Tuesday 3 May 2011

Update on fundraising...

Havn't posted anything in a while, but I am trying to keep fundraising in between other things :) Did another car boot sale a while back and had so many clothes to sell (big thank you to Lucy and Amy for donating their unwanted clothes) and am going to do lots more soon!

Car boot sale and setting up our stall at the May Day

I had a stall at the Bransgore May Day yesterday where I sold cakes (as usual thank you mum!) and had a game with Lollies where people paid to try and pick out lollies that had coloured ends to win them. Thank you to Mel who came and helped me all day, I really appreciate it! We didn't sell all the cakes and lollies so I sold them today at school. Thank you to everyone who helped me sell them including Lucy, Amy, Annie, Stocks, Heidi, Claire and others and everyone who bought them!! Made around £80 from the two days, so pleased with that.

I can't believe that this time next year I will be in South Africa, it doesn't even seem real. I know that these next 9 months will fly by though and soon I will be sat on that plane thinking.."oh no what have I done!"...only joking, I'm excited! ;) Big thank you to Linden who has been really supportive these past few months, and to the other's who are also going to South Africa (and Malawi for Dave ;)) next year!! xxxx

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