Friday 17 September 2010

I had my interview...

On the 16th September I went along to Reading with my parents to my Lattitude interview at their HQ's. The journey only took an hour and a half from home and I was pleased to find that we found the place straight away! On going in, we were greeted and I had a short wait before my interview, so I looked through the fundraising guide and the folder on South Africa, which proved to be very useful! Then I met my interviewer, who was nice and it all went well :)

He asked me a range of things such as why I wanted to go, what I would bring to my placement, what I wanted to get out of it and so on. What seemed a very quick 45 minutes later I was told I had been accepted for an educational placement in South Africa in January 2012 for 5/6 months- so I was very pleased!! Afterwards my parents and I had a chat with some of the people who work for Lattitude about what comes next, fundraising, bursaries and so on and I left feeling quite confident and happy about raising the money over the next year.. if not a little overwhelmed by it all!

So now im working towards paying my deposit and starting my fundraising- can't wait! It's going to take a lot of work alongside A levels and other committments, but I'm looking forward to the challenge!

p.s: my fundraising starts this weekend! i'm having a car boot sale on Sunday, so hopefully lots of people will come and buy all my unwanted things! :D

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