Sunday 19 September 2010

My first fundraiser! Car boot sale

This morning we had a car boot sale. I had been clearing out my room in the summer holidays and found loads of stuff that I didn't really want or need anymore. So I thought having a car boot sale would be a great way to get some money I wouldn't otherwise have had because I would have taken it straight to a charity shop. We managed to sell quite a bit, lots of grandparents interested in toys for their grandchildren and lots of women buying the make up I've never used! After 4 and a half hours of sitting in the cold wind and very few buyers left we packed up and I have managed to raise £21.50 which is not an amazing start but its money that I wouldn't otherwise have had! The stuff we have left can be put to use in future car boot sales or table top sales at events so its not going to be wasted :)

Next event is going to be a cake sale on the 3rd October at my dad's transport rally in Swanage :)

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