Saturday 27 November 2010

Craft, Cakes and Clothes.

A big thank you to my family! Firstly to my Auntie Euna in Brighton who had a Clothes Swap with her friends last week and is donating the proceeds to my gap year. Sounds like you all had a lovely time and thank you for your generosity!

Secondly, to my Auntie Dawn and her friend with who I went to a Christmas fair and we sold cakes (thank you mum!) and my auntie's hand made craft. People were really interested in what I was raising money for and some were very generous :D I really enjoyed the evening and I am pleased with how my fundraising is going so far :)

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Cake Sale...

This weekend was all about cakes! On Saturday I went to work, which is at a cake shop whilst my mum slaved away in the kitchen at home making around 200 cakes to sell the next day. My Dad co-organises a Bus rally in Swanage where lots of people who like old buses and the general public and so on can have a look around and go on the trips etc- not something I'm particularly interested in myself, but it provided me with a great opportunity for fundraising! Anyway, so we went along in the morning and the weather was horrendous- really wet and windy and we were trying to set up this cake sale outside and it was awful because everything was blowing everywhere and getting ridiculously wet! Then a very kind man offered if we would like to sell the cakes from the bus where they were also selling programmes for the day- so we said yes please! Once in the dry and putting all the cakes still in their tins, in the luggage bit of the bus, we started to sell them. Possibly one of the strangest things I've ever done for fundraising money so far but it worked really well! We had messages put out on the loudspeaker all day and a huge thanks to Dave who promoted the cake sale extremely well. In the afternoon I was able to go outside for an hour or so and sell the cakes as the sun finally came out! Lots of thank you's to those who came and bought cakes and who took such an interest in what I was raising money for. It just shows you how many caring and positive people there are out there!

After a whole day of selling cakes we still had some left so I decided that I would try to sell the rest at school on Monday break. Within twenty minutes everything was gone, a huge thank you to everyone that came and supported me- I really appreciate it! Over the two days I made a total of £72.50 which was really pleasing! A BIG thanks to my Mum who made all the cakes, I couldn't have done it without you :)

Sunday 19 September 2010

My first fundraiser! Car boot sale

This morning we had a car boot sale. I had been clearing out my room in the summer holidays and found loads of stuff that I didn't really want or need anymore. So I thought having a car boot sale would be a great way to get some money I wouldn't otherwise have had because I would have taken it straight to a charity shop. We managed to sell quite a bit, lots of grandparents interested in toys for their grandchildren and lots of women buying the make up I've never used! After 4 and a half hours of sitting in the cold wind and very few buyers left we packed up and I have managed to raise £21.50 which is not an amazing start but its money that I wouldn't otherwise have had! The stuff we have left can be put to use in future car boot sales or table top sales at events so its not going to be wasted :)

Next event is going to be a cake sale on the 3rd October at my dad's transport rally in Swanage :)

Friday 17 September 2010

I had my interview...

On the 16th September I went along to Reading with my parents to my Lattitude interview at their HQ's. The journey only took an hour and a half from home and I was pleased to find that we found the place straight away! On going in, we were greeted and I had a short wait before my interview, so I looked through the fundraising guide and the folder on South Africa, which proved to be very useful! Then I met my interviewer, who was nice and it all went well :)

He asked me a range of things such as why I wanted to go, what I would bring to my placement, what I wanted to get out of it and so on. What seemed a very quick 45 minutes later I was told I had been accepted for an educational placement in South Africa in January 2012 for 5/6 months- so I was very pleased!! Afterwards my parents and I had a chat with some of the people who work for Lattitude about what comes next, fundraising, bursaries and so on and I left feeling quite confident and happy about raising the money over the next year.. if not a little overwhelmed by it all!

So now im working towards paying my deposit and starting my fundraising- can't wait! It's going to take a lot of work alongside A levels and other committments, but I'm looking forward to the challenge!

p.s: my fundraising starts this weekend! i'm having a car boot sale on Sunday, so hopefully lots of people will come and buy all my unwanted things! :D